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Adult Learning

The goal of our adult learning is to help our members (and anyone who participates) be well-rounded people, rooted in Jewish identity while open to the world around us.

Our adult learning programs explore Jewish and general history, philosophy, comparative religion, current events, literature and science. All adult learning sessions are offered either exclusively online or both in-person and online.

Adult Education Sessions

2100 Half Day Road, Deerfield and Zoom
All times Central U.S. 
Upcoming Adult Education oportunities:
All Events
  • Tuesday ,
    SepSeptember  17 , 2024
    Adult Education: Jewish and Human: Judaism and Personal Meaning

    Tuesday, Sep 17th 7:30p to 8:30p
    How do we balance being distinctly Jewish with being part of universal humanity? And where can we find meaning, inspiration, even “spirituality,” to deal with the challenges of the human condition?


  • Tuesday ,
    OctOctober  22 , 2024
    Adult Education: Introduction to Jewish History

    Tuesday, Oct 22nd 7:30p to 8:30p
    There are two basic questions to history: What happened, and what does it mean? Tradition has its answers, and so do we. How do we understand what it means for a Humanistic Jew to study Jewish history? Join us for the first session of our year-long exploration of Jewish history.


  • Tuesday ,
    OctOctober  29 , 2024
    Adult Education: Origins

    Tuesday, Oct 29th 7:30p to 8:30p
    Where did the Jewish people really begin? If Adam and Eve and Noah are myths, and Abraham may well also be, and the Exodus story is not confirmed by archaeology, where did we come from? And where did those stories come from that we thought were our history?


See these past programs

Introduction to Secular Humanistic Judaism

In past years, Kol Hadash has run a three-year cycle exploring Jewish History, Jewish Culture and the Philosophy of Secular Humanistic Judaism. These classes have all been recorded and are now available on YouTube playlists. Feel free to watch particular topics or the entire series! If you would like a copy of the course packet of introductory essays and recommended readings for one or more of these courses, please contact our administrator, Jeremy Owens.

Introduction to Jewish History

Introduction to Jewish Culture

Philosophy of Secular Humanistic Judaism

Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784